Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association
1 OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO 64029
Web Site: www.www.ooida.com
Facebook: OOIDA Facebook
Contact: Norita Taylor, norita_taylor@ooida.com
Headquarters: (816) 229-5791
For Immediate Release
Small-business truckers thank Congress for HOS fix
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and its members applaud the U.S. Congress for including a permanent fix to hours-of-service restart provision in the Continuing Resolution bill.
The provision preserves a key component of federal hours-of-service regulations regarding the 34-hour restart. Absent this legislative fix, the 34-hour restart was in danger of being completely eliminated due to a drafting error in previously passed legislation. The restart provides drivers more flexibility and greater control of scheduling, which improves safety for all highway users.
OOIDA points out that without the fix to the restart provision, morning rush hour commutes would be flooded with trucks, adding even more congestion and increasing the risk for more crashes.
“Drivers have little control over their schedules and the flexibility of the 34-hour restart is necessary to make sure they get needed rest and avoid driving under the worst conditions such as congestion and bad weather,” explained Todd Spencer, OOIDA Executive Vice President. “We thank Congress for passing the CR with the legislative fix needed to protect this important tool for the safety of all highway users.”