Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association
1 OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO 64029
Web Site: www.www.ooida.com
Facebook: OOIDA Facebook
Contact: Norita Taylor, norita_taylor@ooida.com
Headquarters: (816) 229-5791
For Immediate Release
OOIDA looks forward to working with New DOT secretary
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association congratulates Elaine Chao on her confirmation as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Senate approved Secretary Chao today by an overwhelming 93-6 vote. The Association looks forward to working with Secretary Chao on a wide variety of issues affecting professional truck drivers.
“Small-business trucking is the backbone of our economy,” said OOIDA executive vice president Todd Spencer. “It is our hope that the Secretary recognizes this and under her leadership will pursue policies that promote growth, improve highway safety, and reduce burdensome government regulations.”
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