Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association
1 OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO 64029
Web Site: www.www.ooida.com
Facebook: OOIDA Facebook
Contact: Norita Taylor, norita_taylor@ooida.com
Headquarters: (816) 229-5791
For Immediate Release
OOIDA Foundation awarded APU grant
The OOIDA Foundation received a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that will help members purchase auxiliary power units. The grant seeks to reduce extensive amounts of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter (soot), and carbon dioxide in the region.
Members in Region 7, which includes Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, can get partial reimbursements when they purchase and install an EPA certified APU.
According to the EPA, this Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) project will aid OOIDA in its efforts to reduce diesel emissions and exposure in the four-state region. The project will install 420 auxiliary power units in the Association members’ trucks. EPA provides grants under the DERA to protect human health and improve air quality by reducing emissions from diesel engines.
Those interested in applying must meet these requirements:
Be registered in one of the four states covered by Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE).
Have a truck with an engine manufacturing date from 1996 through 2006.
Purchase an EPA certified APU.
Complete quarterly forms verifying the number of hours spent idling.
Applicants chosen by the EPA will be reimbursed for 25 percent of the purchase price in quarterly increments until Dec. 31, 2020.