Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association

1 OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO 64029
Web Site: www.ooida.com
Facebook: OOIDA Facebook

Contact: press@ooida.com
Headquarters: (816) 229-5791

For Immediate Release

OOIDA response to EPA cleaner trucks announcement

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association issued a response to the announcement from the EPA regarding a new cleaner trucks proposal. For more information on the rule and the public comment process, please visit this link. This is a summary of the EPA proposal.

“When the Cleaner Trucks Initiative was first announced in 2020, OOIDA stood side-by-side with EPA in hopes that a collaborative rulemaking process with input from professional truck drivers would result in practical emissions standards. Today’s announcement largely ignores that goal in favor of government overreach that will almost assuredly force safe drivers off the road, especially small-business truckers and owner-operators.

Vice President Harris remarked that in Mira Loma, California, commercial trucks made thousands of trips to the town and brought soot, exhaust, and toxic air. She failed to mention anything about all the food, clothes, emergency provisions, and medical supplies that truckers have delivered to American communities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The EPA’s proposal highlights the projected millions of fewer lost school days for children, but does not say much about the millions of dollars in equipment and vehicle costs that owner-operators will have to foot the bill for.

Make no mistake, clean air is a priority for everyone. However, we believe there is a more realistic path forward to reducing commercial vehicle emissions that actually involves listening to men and women in the trucking industry. We hope EPA will get back to that strategy as they develop the Final Cleaner Trucks Initiative Rule throughout the rest of the year. Truckers know all too well from experience with previous rulemakings that poorly implemented regulations will result in breakdowns, downtime, and ultimately set back the goal of achieving cleaner air.”

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