Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association

1 OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO 64029
Web Site: www.ooida.com
Facebook: OOIDA Facebook

Contact: press@ooida.com
Headquarters: (816) 229-5791

For Immediate Release

OOIDA calls for stronger broker transparency regs to protect small-business truckers

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), representing the interests of approximately 150,000 small-business truckers, has submitted comments to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in support of greater transparency in freight broker transactions. The Association, which has long advocated for stronger regulatory oversight, asserts that the proposed updates to the FMCSA’s broker transparency regulations are a step in the right direction but need stronger enforcement mechanisms to ensure fair treatment for small-business truckers.

The Association’s comments were submitted in response to FMCSA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on 371.3, broker transparency, which is designed to provide motor carriers with the necessary information to make informed decisions and combat widespread issues like freight fraud, double brokered loads, and unpaid claims. The proposal includes provisions requiring brokers to provide electronic records of transactions, disclose charges and payments within 48 hours, and offer transparency for the duration of a shipment’s lifecycle. However, OOIDA believes that to be truly effective, FMCSA must clarify enforcement mechanisms and close loopholes that allow brokers to evade transparency requirements.

Todd Spencer, President & CEO of OOIDA, said, “Small-business truckers have long struggled with a lack of transparency in the freight market. This leads to a host of issues such as unfair charges, delayed payments, and fraudulent practices. Our members are asking for fairness in the marketplace. Broker transparency is not just a regulatory fix—it’s a safety priority. By restoring transparency, we can level the playing field and improve conditions for all parties involved.”

OOIDA’s feedback focuses on four key provisions in the NPRM:

  1. Electronic Recordkeeping – OOIDA strongly supports the provision requiring brokers to maintain records in an electronic format, eliminating the loophole that currently prevents truckers from accessing critical information in a timely manner.
  2. Clarification of Record Contents – OOIDA endorses the proposal to include a detailed breakdown of charges and payments for each shipment, ensuring that motor carriers are not left in the dark regarding compensation.
  3. Right to Request Records – OOIDA applauds FMCSA’s strengthening of the rule requiring brokers to provide transaction records upon request but calls for stronger measures to prevent brokers from using contractual waivers to avoid compliance.
  4. Timely Disclosure – The proposed 48-hour timeframe for providing records is beneficial, but OOIDA requests that the rule clearly specify that the clock begins when a request is made, not when the broker receives it.

In addition to these provisions, OOIDA is pushing for the introduction of automatic disclosure to prevent brokers from retaliating against truckers who exercise their right to transparency. The Association also advocates for stricter enforcement, including penalties for noncompliance, to ensure brokers adhere to these critical transparency standards.

Spencer concluded, “It’s time to restore fairness to the freight market. By implementing stronger transparency regulations, we can ensure that small-business truckers are no longer at a disadvantage and that they receive the compensation they deserve for their work. We urge FMCSA to strengthen these provisions and make transparency a cornerstone of a more equitable and efficient transportation system.”

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