CMCI Registration

PLEASE ALLOW 24-48 HOURS TO PROCESS YOUR REGISTRATION.  After form is submitted, you will be redirected to the named authorization form. Form needs to be completed to process your application. PLEASE ALLOW 24-48 HOURS TO PROCESS YOUR REGISTRATION

Drug & Alcohol Testing Requirements

The following is a brief summary of the Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration drug and alcohol testing requirements. For detailed information refer to Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations under the section numbers provided. Who must be tested? (382.103) Each driver who operates a commercial … Continued

Drug & Alcohol Testing

Compliance with DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing Rules is The Law OOIDA’s drug and alcohol consortium, CMCI, offers the small business truckers an answer to the hassle and confusion of mandatory drug & alcohol testing. If you have any further questions regarding drug and alcohol testing, please call our office at 800-288-3784. Program Benefits National … Continued