November 15, 2023 – December 31, 2023 The Nomination-Election Committee of the OOIDA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the opening of the biannual election period for the purpose of electing alternates to the OOIDA Board of Directors. The general membership of OOIDA elects alternates to the OOIDA Board of Directors. An alternate will … Continued
November 15, 2023 The OOIDA Nomination-Election Committee is pleased to announce the commencement of the biennial election cycle. The Committee is requesting nominations for Alternates to the Board of Directors. Alternates are elected by and from the membership for two-year terms. Openings on the Board are filled by the elected Alternates. According to the Association … Continued
A member of the board of directors for the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is featured in a new video talking about sharing the roads with commercial vehicles. The video was created by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.