OOIDA HQ OOIDA applauds bipartisan legislation to reverse outdated law that denies truckers overtime pay

For decades, truckers have been exempted from guaranteed overtime pay, devaluing their work
and contributing to supply chain delays

OOIDA HQ OOIDA to Congress: Truckers can survive COVID-19 as long as you don’t run them out of business

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association will bring a straight forward message to a Congressional hearing tomorrow on behalf of the nation’s truck drivers with regard to surviving COVID-19: Truckers are continuing to struggle under COVID, but their biggest concern is being run out of business by lawmakers in Washington.

OOIDA HQ America’s truckers urge Congress to show support with action, not just words, once COVID-19 crisis is over

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is leading a coalition of dozens of influential trade associations to oppose four burdensome, costly, and unsafe trucking mandates. Today the coalition sent a letter to Congress urging them to reject those proposals as they work on the next surface transportation reauthorization.