OOIDA HQ Truckers say plenty of drivers out there, no need to lower CDL age restriction

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, a national association that represents small-business truckers, says that concerns about a driver shortage are largely myth and actually more about high turnover in one sector of the industry.They have signed a letter along with other industry stakeholders in opposition to proposals to lower the age requirement for obtaining an interstate commercial drivers license. OOIDA also points to these statistics to support the fact there are plenty of drivers for any future supply needed.

OOIDA HQ Truckers and safety advocates oppose efforts to lower age for CDL holders

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association has signed a letter along with other industry stakeholders in opposition to proposals to lower the age requirement for obtaining an interstate commercial drivers license.The letter was sent to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and was also signed by a long list of diverse groups.