The Owner-Operator Independent Driver’s Association welcomes Bryce Mongeon to the Washington DC office as Director of Legislative Affairs. He will share responsibility in advancing the Association’s government affairs agenda on behalf of OOIDA members.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association presented input to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) earlier this week on the programs that are supposed to protect truck drivers from retaliations for reporting unsafe practices and work environments.At a meeting on June 12 held by OSHA at the U.S. Department of Labor, feedback was sought for the Whistleblower Protection Program in the transportation industry.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the nation’s only organization representing professional and small-business truckers, appointed Mike Matousek as Director of Government Affairs.

The Owner-Operator Independent Driver’s Association welcomes Collin Long to the Washington DC office as Director of Legislative Affairs. He will share responsibility in advancing the Association’s government affairs agenda on behalf of OOIDA members.He is originally from Allentown, Penn. and graduated from Syracuse University with a B.A. in international relations.