OOIDA HQ OOIDA disappointed with Missouri governor’s veto of towing reform

Despite the fact that Missouri lawmakers sought to protect truckers from unscrupulous towing and recovery companies, Governor Mike Parson halted that effort in one stroke of a pen by vetoing SB 147.  The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, which supported bill, was incensed that the governor would oppose a measure intended to protect truckers from outrageous and excessive nonconsensual tow bills.

OOIDA HQ Missouri lawmakers respond to truckers calling out dodgy towing companies

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association applauds Missouri lawmakers for taking the first step in protecting truckers from unscrupulous towing and recovery companies.  The legislature recently passed SB 147, which contains towing reform provisions to address nonconsensual tows for commercial motor vehicles.

OOIDA HQ National association supports towing reform in Missouri

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association expressed support for two proposals in Missouri that would create consumer protections in connection with non-consensual tows of commercial motor vehicles. OOIDA sent letters as well as testified at a recent hearing in connection with the bills.Missouri Senator Lincoln Hough and Missouri Representative Nate Tate introduced SB323 and HR749 respectively.

OOIDA HQ OOIDA Foundation awarded APU grant

The OOIDA Foundation received a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that will help members purchase auxiliary power units. The grant seeks to reduce extensive amounts of nitrogen oxides, particulate matter (soot), and carbon dioxide in the region.

OOIDA HQ OOIDA hosts 45th anniversary at GBATS

he Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association will host its 45th anniversary at the Guilty by Association Truck Show in Joplin, Mo. September 27-29, 2018.  OOIDA and 4 State Trucks have partnered to present the tenth annual GBATS which will include a listening session co-hosted with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.OOIDA leadership will host two open house meetings, Friday 10 a.m. to noon and Saturday 1-3 p.m.

OOIDA HQ OOIDA media earn top awards from Heart of America Press Club

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association extends congratulations to the staff members of Land Line Magazine and Land Line Now Sirius XM radio for bringing home 24 awards from the 2017 Kansas City Press Club’s Heart of America Awards event.