OOIDA HQ OOIDA rejects ATA’s call for speed limiter mandate

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Transportation, telling them to reject failed speed limiter proposals that have been resurrected by the American Trucking Associations in coordination with Road Safe America.

OOIDA HQ Animated video shows how speed limiters on large trucks are dangerous for all highway users

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the nation’s only organization representing professional and small-business truckers, created a video demonstrating the dangers of speed limited trucks.The video is designed not only for the trucking community, but also for all highway users, so that they can learn the dangers of speed differentials created by artificially speed limiting large trucks.

OOIDA HQ OOIDA asks Senate Appropriations to stay away from speed limiters in end of session proposals

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association has asked the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations to exclude language from any federal spending measures that mandates the installation of speed limiters on heavy commercial vehicles. The Association says that to do so would undermine the regulatory process and take away the public’s ability to make informed comments to an already proposed rule.

OOIDA HQ Trucking leaders against dangerous mandate for speed limiting devices on large trucks

A national association of small-business truckers says the government’s proposal to mandate speed limiting devices on large trucks would be dangerous for all highway users. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the nation’s only organization representing professional and small-business truckers, says such devices create speed differentials that lead to more crashes and promote road rage among other motorists.