OOIDA HQ Truckers for Troops helps support veterans

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and its Truckers for Troops® care package campaign have been sending out care packages to military oversees in combat zones, veterans homes and veterans assistance functions.Most recently on June 8, Truckers for Troops participated in the Heart of America Stand Down event in Kansas City, Mo. by hosting a table providing shoes to homeless veterans. Stand Down events take place throughout the United States and are part of the Veterans Administration’s efforts to provide supplies and services to homeless veterans.

OOIDA HQ Results for Truckers for Troops® 11th annual campaign

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association said the Truckers for Troops® care package campaign raised a total of $46,424. The campaign took place the week of Nov. 13-17, 2017.The fundraising effort is an OOIDA tradition since 2007 and has a head start with a generous donation of $2,000 from Shell Rotella. Truckers for Troops raises money to pack and send care packages to service personnel stationed in combat zones.  

OOIDA HQ Animated video shows how speed limiters on large trucks are dangerous for all highway users

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, the nation’s only organization representing professional and small-business truckers, created a video demonstrating the dangers of speed limited trucks.The video is designed not only for the trucking community, but also for all highway users, so that they can learn the dangers of speed differentials created by artificially speed limiting large trucks.