The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association will appeal a ruling announced today in a class-action lawsuit regarding tolls on users of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.The lawsuit was brought last year by OOIDA and the National Motorists Association in the federal court in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The associations made up of truck drivers and other motorists challenged the constitutionality of the excessive tolls imposed upon drivers on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association has filed a motion for preliminary injunction in connection with a class-action lawsuit they brought against the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. The lawsuit, filed in March along with the National Motorists Association, is for excessive toll increases that place an undue burden on interstate commerce while improperly diverting toll revenue to other projects unrelated to the turnpike. The preliminary injunction request seeks to stop the PTC from diverting millions in excess tolls to Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for local projects unrelated to the turnpike.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission for excessive toll increases that place an undue burden on interstate commerce while improperly diverting toll revenue to other projects unrelated to the turnpike.OOIDA and the National Motorists Association have requested an injunction to halt the turnpike from overcharging customers to pay for non-turnpike projects, stop the turnpike from borrowing money to help make PennDOT payments, prevent PennDOT from the spending the money it received from the turnpike, and to refund the money to turnpike users.