Despite the fact that Missouri lawmakers sought to protect truckers from unscrupulous towing and recovery companies, Governor Mike Parson halted that effort in one stroke of a pen by vetoing SB 147. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, which supported bill, was incensed that the governor would oppose a measure intended to protect truckers from outrageous and excessive nonconsensual tow bills.
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association applauds Missouri lawmakers for taking the first step in protecting truckers from unscrupulous towing and recovery companies. The legislature recently passed SB 147, which contains towing reform provisions to address nonconsensual tows for commercial motor vehicles.
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association expressed opposition to a request for rulemaking in Colorado regarding non-consensual tows of commercial motor vehicles. OOIDA sent a letter to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission expressing concerns that the petition would weaken consumer protections from unscrupulous towing operations.
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association expressed support for two proposals in Missouri that would create consumer protections in connection with non-consensual tows of commercial motor vehicles. OOIDA sent letters as well as testified at a recent hearing in connection with the bills.Missouri Senator Lincoln Hough and Missouri Representative Nate Tate introduced SB323 and HR749 respectively.
A national truckers association wants West Virginia to enact legislation that would bring reform to how the Public Service Commission handles non-consensual towing and complaints. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association supports a bill introduced by Delegate Scott Cadle that will better protect truck drivers, and other motorists, from overly inflated towing bills in the state.