Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association
1 OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO 64029
Web Site: www.ooida.com
Facebook: OOIDA Facebook
Contact: press@ooida.com
Headquarters: (816) 229-5791
For Immediate Release
OOIDA presents at National Coalition on Truck Parking meeting
Update on bipartisan support for Association efforts
Today, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association will provide an update on its efforts to address the national truck parking crisis during a meeting of the National Coalition on Truck Parking.
“Today’s meeting gives us an opportunity to update the coalition about our work on Capitol Hill to find a solution to the truck parking shortage,” said Bryce Mongeon, Director of Legislative Affairs. “We’ve been educating lawmakers on the dangers of the national truck parking shortage, the challenges and stress it creates for truckers, and most importantly, what they can do to help solve the problem,” he added.
OOIDA has been building support for the Truck Parking Safety Improvement Act in Congress. Also known as H.R. 6-10-4, the bill was introduced by U.S. Representatives Mike Bost (R-Illinois) and Angie Craig (D-Minnesota). This legislation would dedicate hundreds of millions of dollars in existing highway safety funding for truck parking projects through the creation of a competitive grant program. This program would focus funding exclusively on expanding parking capacity, for example, by constructing new truck parking spaces or converting existing space at weigh stations and rest stops.
The coalition is spearheaded the by Federal Highway Administration and includes stakeholders who have an interest in solving the parking crisis, including other associations from the trucking industry and representatives of state governments and law enforcement.
FHWA will also present findings from its 2019 Jason’s Law Survey, which will be an update of its 2015 report. The Jason’s Law Survey provides a nationwide assessment of truck parking capacity.
“The 2015 Jason’s Law Survey has been a critical part of our outreach as it has helped members of Congress understand the extent of the truck parking shortage in the states and regions they represent,” said Mongeon. “We look forward to the updated 2019 survey. But we already know, from what we hear loud and clear from small-business truckers, that the parking shortage is still a serious problem.”
OOIDA hails bipartisan, groundbreaking truck parking legislation
OOIDA’s Todd Spencer seeks top spot at FMCSA
OOIDA recognized for public relations efforts