Idle Smart Offers OOIDA members a discount for their idle management platform that reduces fuel costs, eliminates jump starts and predicts battery failures


Idle Smart is a proprietary automatic start/stop system for all makes/models of Class 8 trucks manufactured after 2007. Our system can be used standalone, paired with a bunk heater or electric APU, or be used as a backup to a diesel APU.

Prevent downtime and save fuel + maintenance due to excessive engine idling TODAY.

Our Services:

  • Discounted Equipment
  • Discounted Subscription
  • Online Management & Monitoring
  • Battery Failure Notifications

Program Benefits:

  • A fraction of the cost of a diesel APU
  • Installs in under 3 hours
  • Adds less than 5lbs to your truck
  • A payback every month of the year

Contact Idle Smart TODAY to talk to an idle reduction expert or schedule an install. Be sure to use the code OOIDA10!

  • 10% off upfront costs
  • 10% off monthly subscription
