Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association

1 OOIDA Drive, Grain Valley, MO  64029
Web Site: www.www.ooida.com
Facebook: OOIDA Facebook

Contact: Norita Taylor, norita_taylor@ooida.com
Headquarters: (816) 229-5791

For Immediate Release

Truckers for Troops helps support veterans

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and its Truckers for Troops® care package campaign have been sending out care packages to military oversees in combat zones, veterans homes and veterans assistance functions.

Most recently on June 8, Truckers for Troops participated in the Heart of America Stand Down event in Kansas City, Mo. by hosting a table providing shoes to homeless veterans. Stand Down events take place throughout the United States and are part of the Veterans Administration’s efforts to provide supplies and services to homeless veterans.

“So far in 2018, we’ve been able to send care packages out to about 250 people overseas and to about 20 veterans homes or events,” said Norita Taylor, director of public relations. “We anticipate sending more this summer. Care packages include personal items, hygiene care, books, and snacks, whereas the veterans packages tend to be customized to the immediate needs of those homes or events, including things like shoes or musical instruments.”

During the past 11 years, the Truckers for Troops effort has raised more than $595,000, allowing the Truckers for Troops to send care packages serving nearly 38,000 military personnel

Truckers for Troops is a fundraising effort conducted by OOIDA to provide care packages to military and to veterans. During the week of Veteran’s Day, a radio broadcast is planned for each day on OOIDA’s “Land Line Now” satellite radio show on Sirius XM 146. During that week, truckers can join OOIDA or renew their membership for $35, with 10 percent of that money going toward care packages. OOIDA matches the 10 percent dollar for dollar. Any new or renewal memberships collected go toward the Truckers for Troops fund. Individual tax-deductible contributions to the Truckers for Troops fund are also welcome and can be paid to the OOIDA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.


Anyone who has a family member or friend serving in a combat zone with the U.S. military, and who would like for them to get a care package, can send the name and complete address to troops@ooida.com and be sure to include projected stateside return date. We are also looking for veteran facilities with unmet needs.


If you would like us to include your hand-made cards or letters in care packages please send them to us. Attention: Truckers for Troops, P.O. Box 1000, Grain Valley, MO 64029. Towns or school names can be included, but please do not include last names or other personal information.

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